The Top 9 Best Nuts for Health

Nuts contain healthy fats, many important vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, aid in the reduction of cholesterol and help you live longer.

Nuts have various textures, flavors, and nutrient profiles. They’re great on their own, paired with fruit, or added to dishes like salads, desserts, and grains.

Here are the 9 healthiest nuts and their health benefits:

  1. Almonds

Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. You can eat them roasted and they’re often made into almond butterflour, and milk .

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of roasted almonds contains Trusted Source: Calories: 170, Fat: 15 grams, Protein: 6 grams, Carbs: 6 grams, Fiber: 3 grams, Vitamin E: 45% of the Daily Value (DV), Magnesium: 19% of the DV, Manganese: 27% of the DV

These nuts are especially rich in vitamin E, a fat-soluble nutrient that functions as an antioxidant to protect your cells against oxidative damage. This vitamin also supports Trusted Source immune function and cellular communication.

Benefits of Almonds:

– Help Digestion
– Moisturize Skin
– Protect You from Heart Disease
– Eliminate Cravings
– Add Shine to Dull Hair
– Promote Healthy Cells
– Lower Cholesterol
– Reduce the Risk of Diabetes
– Lower Blood Pressure
– Keep You Full

  1. Pistachios

Pistachios are a type of tree nut with numerous health benefits. They are a great source of healthy fats, fiber, protein, antioxidants, and various nutrients, including vitamin B6 and thiamine.

Roasted pistachios have a more intense flavor than raw pistachios. Enjoy them as a snack or allow their saltiness to balance the sweetness of a dessert.

Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of pistachios contains Trusted Source: Calories: 159, Fat: 13 grams, Protein: 6 grams, Carbs: 8 grams, Fiber: 3 grams, Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 21% of the DV, Vitamin B6: 28% of the DV, Phosphorus: 11% of the DV.

Pistachios are a good source of numerous nutrients, including vitamin B6, which your body needs Trusted Source for nutrient metabolism and immune function. These nuts are also rich in plant compounds that may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Pistachios:

– Rich in nutrients
– Low in calories
– Packed with antioxidants
– Good for eye health
– Beneficial for gut health
– High in protein for vegans and vegetarians
– Helpful for weight loss
– Important for heart health
– Good for blood sugar balance
– Reduce colon cancer risk

  1. Walnuts

Walnuts are an especially good source of copper and manganese, may boost heart and brain health.

Just 1 ounce (28 grams) contains Trusted Source: Calories: 185, Fat: 18.5 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Carbs: 4 grams, Fiber: 2 grams, Copper: 50% of the DV, Magnesium: 11% of the DV, Manganese: 42% of the DV

Benefits of Walnuts:

  • Reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer
  • May improve brain function and reduce risk factors for dementia
  • Reduce the risk of obesity
  • Help lower blood pressure
  • Support healthy aging
  1. Cashews

Cashews have a crunchy texture and creamy mouth feel that pair well with both savory and sweet dishes. You can eat them roasted or as nut butter, milk.

Only 1 ounce (28 grams) of raw cashews offers Trusted Source: Calories: 157, Fat: 12 grams, Protein: 5 grams, Carbs: 9 grams, Fiber: 1 gram, Vitamin K: 8% of the DV, Magnesium: 20% of the DV, Manganese: 20% of the DV

These nuts are a good source of several nutrients that are essential to bone health

Benefits of Cashews:

  • Heart Health
  • Prevents Blood Disease
  • Protects the Eye
  • Good for the Skin
  • Weight Loss
  • Source of Dietary Fibres
  • Healthy and Shiny Hair
  1. Pecans

Pecans are a nutritional powerhouse. They can be roasted or used in cooking, particularly in sweet desserts…

One ounce (28 grams) of roasted pecans provides Trusted Source: Calories: 201, Fat: 21 grams, Protein: 3 grams, Carbs: 4 grams, Fiber: 3 grams, Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 11% of the DV, Zinc: 13% of the DV, Manganese: 48% of the DV

Benefits of Pecans:

  • Reduce your risk of heart disease
  • Improve Digestion
  • May Lower Blood Sugar Levels
  • Help with Weight Loss
  • Promote Brain Function
  • May Help Prevent Cancer
  1. Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts contain nutrients and are a good source of healthy monounsaturated fats.

One ounce (28.35 grams) offers Trusted Source: Calories: 204, Fat: 21.5 grams, Protein: 2 grams, Carbs: 4 grams, Fiber: 2.5 grams, Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 28% of the DV, Manganese: 51% of the DV, Copper: 24% of the DV.

Benefit of Macadamia nuts:

  • Lower heart disease risk
  • Improve metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  • May prevent cancer
  • Protect the brain
  • May prevent weight gain
  1. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain beneficial nutrients and minerals, including selenium.

One ounce (28-gram) serving contains Trusted Source: Calories: 187, Fat: 19 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Carbs: 3 grams, Fiber: 2 grams, Vitamin E: 11% of the DV, Magnesium: 25% of the DV, Selenium: 989% of the DV.

Benefit of Brazil nuts:

  • Rich in the mineral selenium
  • Source of mono-unsaturated fat
  • Good for the brain
  • May support healthy cholesterol levels
  • Good for thyroid health
  • Strong anti-inflammatory properties
  • May support mood balance
  • May support the immune system
  1. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are highly nutritious, packing healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

One ounce (28 grams) contains Trusted Source: Calories: 178, Fat: 17 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Carbs: 5 grams, Fiber: 3 grams, Vitamin E: 28% of the DV, Magnesium: 11% of the DV, Manganese: 76% of the DV.

Benefit of Hazelnuts:

  • Support healthy bowel movements
  • Protect the heart
  • Decrease Inflammation
  • Reduce weight gain
  • Protect against cell damage
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Support heart health
  • Improving sperm count
  1. Peanuts
    Peanut do not belong to the group of shelled seeds, but belong to the legume family.

One ounce (28.35 grams) of raw peanuts contains Trusted Source roughly: Calories: 162, Fat: 13.5 grams, Protein: 7 grams, Carbs: 6 grams, Fiber: 2.5 grams, Vitamin B3 (niacin): 23% of the DV, Vitamin B9 (folate): 17% of the DV, Magnesium: 12% of the DV.

Benefit of Peanuts:

  • Maintain Heart Health
  • Idea for Weight Loss
  • Control Blood Sugar
  • Good for Bone Health
  • Good for Brain
  • Anti – Cancer
  • Prevent Gallstone
  • Good for Vision
  • Keep Your Skin Healthy
  • Improve Muscle Function

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